Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Task 2 Letter of Inquiry Electrical Tools

            PLN CABANG BEJI
            Jl. Boulevard Raya No 1 Grand Depok City
 Kota Depok, Jawa Barat (16431)

Dear sir Frasetyo Angga Saputra
Jalan pinang 1,Margonda raya ,depok

I write concerning the above account. The meter is currently showing a reading of I do not accept that the meter is recording accurately. The bill in question for to replaced with a new one since there may be little damage inside the meter is significantly higher than it should be (add details of any special circumstances, eg, if you were away from the property).I inspected the meter with all my [electrical appliances turned off and noted that it continued to register [14238709852] units of electricity consumption. It is clear that either the meter is faulty or that there is some other problem. Either way, the bill is not a true reflection of [electricity/gas] used. I now wish to request you to carry out a test on the meter at my home.I look forward to hearing from you with a suitable date for the test to be carried out.

Yours faithfully,
administration and service

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